"Dental Implants Net for California" is an information site aimed at providing a better public understanding and popularization of dental implants.
Contact with the surface oxide and bone, not just one of several forces are working. Combining biological molecules to the oxide power, often leading to bone attachment. Is a bit difficult, let's briefly explain each force. First, the medium will bind the gap between biological molecules and molecular attraction of the oxide film, "van der Waals forces (physical binding)". This power is very weak force. About the strength of the work in the same way, to combine the hydrogen ions in living cells through the blood in the water "hydrogen bond" is. From these two is a more powerful force "electrical coupling force" is. Both living cells and the oxide surface, there are many things that are dipolar. Coupling occurs between the dipole force, the oxide film is to attracting and biomolecules. The most powerful is the force known as covalent or ionic bond, van der Waals force has a strength of close to 10 times. This force and the gap between wound surface oxide ion, and is carried in the presence of impurity atoms. Also, you can not miss with these forces is due to water action. When you embed an implant is, of course, will implant a large amount of exposure to blood. The oxidation of water molecules stick to the membrane is then included in the blood. That water molecules, the adsorption of biological molecules, the effects suck so that will be easy to join state. Oxidation of the metal to get on the inside and more and more exposed to oxygen, will become part of the thick oxide. This is also embedded in the bone titanium. The acid group was called by Tsukuridasa body metabolism is believed to grow the oxide film. Put in the air than titanium, more embedded in the oxide growth is also reported to be bone quickly. That a thicker oxide, which means that the combined firm over time.