"Dental Implants Net for California" is an information site aimed at providing a better public understanding and popularization of dental implants.
The loss of one or more teeth can seriously impact both the functions of your bite and your confidence in your appearance. Adjacent teeth may be compromised by the gap left by a missing tooth, shifting position or becoming more vulnerable to chips and cracking.
Therefore, when you are missing one or more teeth, you will talk to dentists regarding replacements, and must think you want them to be as natural as possible.
There are several options for you, but if you feel dentures don't work, you may consider dental implants. Implants are attached to your jawbone unlike dentures or traditional bridges. Dental implants look and feel more like natural teeth. In addition, it can be removed, so you can make dental implants that are permanently anchored into the jaw itself.
So, implants help restore health and beauty to your smile.
The patient who is most suited for a dental implant, is in good general and oral health. Sufficient bone in your jaw must be present to support the implant, and the best candidates have healthy gum tissues which are free of periodontal diseases.
Some implants may take three to six months for the bone and implant to bond together to form anchors. During this period, you can wear a removable temporary tooth replacement option over the implant site. Other implants can be placed immediately, and dentist specialists place the implant immediately following tooth extraction and attaches a temporary fixed tooth replacement.