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Dental Implants Net for California

Type of Bone Grafting

There are many ways in which bone grafting can be done. It is sometimes as simple as collecting bone when preparing an implant site and then re-using the bone for grafting. Whenever we can use the patients own bone for repairs or additions, we will get the best results.

The following four types of grafting have each feature.

Autografts - this is one of the most successful bone-grafting techniques. Bone is harvested from the body of the patient - usually from the hip or the mouth- and then this is grafted on to your jawbone. As harvested bone comes directly from the body of the patient, autografts tend to be the most successful form of bone graft as the harvested bone is compatible with the jawbone.

Xenografts - these use bone which is harvested from animals that is usually - cows. This bone is processed to make it sterile and totally biocompatible. Animal bone behaves like filler and eventually a patient’s body will replace this with natural bone.

Allografts - these grafts are taken from human bone donors in the similar way that organs are taken from ones due to their death. Bone which is harvested in this way will be put through various tests and sterilisation techniques to ensure that it is safe to be used for grafting. After the donor bone is placed in the jawbone, it will eventually be converted into natural bone and the jaw bone will be rebuilt.

Alloplastic grafts - these grafts are man made from synthetic materials, normally a type of calcium phosphate as this mimics natural bone. Grafts of this kind can be replaced, over time with natural bone as they are resorbed into the body and encourage natural bone growth. Some alloplastic grafts are made from material which cannot be resorbed by the body and instead these will act as a scaffold on top of which natural bone can be built.

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